Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Hitchcock Blondes Have More Fun

Dear Readers,

As you may or may not already know, a night of previously scheduled Hitchcock viewing at The Blue was rained out, and so we've all been given another glorious chance to watch Rear Window and The Birds as intended - under the gorgeous Austin night sky and through the windshield of a car.

Alfred Hitchcock is maybe the most famous - and infamous - of film directors, and I know some criticism of him is deserved: he certainly treated various people very badly and had an over-inflated sense of his own importance (if you're interested in the real scoop on this, I highly recommend Donald Spoto's work, especially this book, which focuses on his relationships with his leading ladies).

But I think all of this salacious gossip has, especially lately, overshadowed something about Hitch that makes me an avid, lifelong fan: Alfred Hitchcock created the screen's most exciting women. In an era when women were often relegated to being sidekicks and window dressing, the heroines of Hitchcock's films were truly the stars - dominating story lines, chewing up the scenery, and leaving captive audiences breathless.

These women get to do everything on my bucket list, plus a million things I'm way too chicken to attempt, and they get to look beautiful while doing it.

For example, Lisa Carol Fremont, the beautiful blonde brought to life by Grace Kelly in Rear Window. She is probably the most well-known of the Hitchcock Blondes, and with good reason. Over the course of one movie, she gets to:
  • eat a lobster dinner from 21 (that she has delivered, no less!)
  • be part of the screen's steamiest kiss (with James Stewart)
  • scale the wall of an apartment building
  • hear an aspiring young composer's masterpiece as it's being written
  • wear a different designer dress every day (but only because it's expected of her)
  • investigate a dog's death
  • expertly warm brandy in a snifter
  • spy on the world's most interesting neighbors from a courtyard apartment window
  • break into a suspected murderer's apartment
  • steal jewelry
  • get arrested
  • carry an insanely small, yet practical, overnight bag
  • prove the importance and value of "female intuition"
Not bad for two hours, right?

Not to be bested, there's also Melanie Daniels, the leading lady in The Birds, played by Tippi Hedren. (Full disclosure: my car - a green VW Beetle - is named Tippi). Her list is no less impressive:
  • pretend to be a saleslady in a bird shop
  • be gossiped about in newspapers and tabloids
  • have witty banter with Rod Taylor
  • wear the exact same green suit for days on end and still look fabulous
  • drive far too fast along the California coast
  • sneak into another character's house to play a prank
  • save an entire schoolhouse of children from vicious birds
  • be accused of witchcraft
  • smack someone right across the face
  • have a complete nervous breakdown
  • win over Rod Taylor (and his mother)
  • have a wealthy father and a tragic backstory
  • prove she's made of far tougher stuff than anyone had imagined

Again, not too shabby for a quick trip out to Bodega Bay.

Tell me, Film Fans, did I get everything, or have I forgotten something? Comment and let me know. Better yet, head on out to The Blue Starlite on September 28th (grab your tickets here) and take good notes - I'll be waiting to hear back from you.


  1. I got vertigo from just thinking about those leading ladies ;-) Too bad we're out of town that day, but we'll have to make plans when we get back.

  2. I've never indulged in Hitchcock's films, but I'm rethinking that now. Thank you for sharing your perspective, and leading me to adventurous women that I didn't realize were missing from my life :) Also, omg, Grace Kelly's dress in that pic, perfection!

  3. I'm bummed I missed this with you guys before, maybe I should had on over there Sunday!

  4. The Ladies of Hitch...thanks for sharing your insight.
